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My Tax Blog

August 22, 2022   |   2022
What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022?

This is the repackaged “Build Back Better Junior”, passed August 16, 2022 and WON’T reduce inflation. It’s smoke and mirrors. Little/short lived savings. Lot of Government spending and power grabs. If have time, the full text download is available here. It’s light reading– only 273 pages (Sarcasm). Summary of major provisions. Medical: Obamacare: Extends Medical What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022?

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May 29, 2019   |   0
Saving $ on Health Insurance?

cell phone with a stethoscope

Health Insurance costs are rising. One way to reduce health insurance premiums is to enroll in a high deductible health insurance plan and to pair that plan with a (tax deductible) Health Savings Account. For 2019 A high deductible health insurance plan has deductible of at least $1,400 (for individual coverage) or $2,750 (for family Saving $ on Health Insurance?

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