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My Tax Blog

July 3, 2019   |   0
Self Employment, Financial Freedom or IRS “Invitation” ?

fireworks at sunset silouette of person holding a candle

Are you a self-employed business owner?   It’s great to set your own hours and choose your “job”.  However, if a business owner isn’t careful, the ticket to financial freedom–the business–can be an “invitation” for an IRS inquiry .  . . The IRS defines a business as a FOR PROFIT activity. Translation: Just because you call Self Employment, Financial Freedom or IRS “Invitation” ?

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May 29, 2019   |   0
Saving $ on Health Insurance?

cell phone with a stethoscope

Health Insurance costs are rising. One way to reduce health insurance premiums is to enroll in a high deductible health insurance plan and to pair that plan with a (tax deductible) Health Savings Account. For 2019 A high deductible health insurance plan has deductible of at least $1,400 (for individual coverage) or $2,750 (for family Saving $ on Health Insurance?

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March 1, 2019   |   0
Meals Expense Deductible? It Depends

man with coffee talking to a woman in a business suit outside building

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act suspended some deductions and sidestepped others.  One of those deductions is the meals expense. For most employees, the meal expense (or per diem) tax deduction is suspended until tax year 2026 (no tax deduction). However, self employed individuals (or those receiving a 1099 Misc) and STATUTORY employees (e.g. Meals Expense Deductible? It Depends

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